Friday, September 06, 2013

Hopscotch 2013 Night 1: Ironing Board Sam

Photos by Kevin Norris
Inside the Contemporary Art Museum (CAM), Ironing Board Sam was jamming in a sharp pink suit. Sam played a handful of classic songs like “Georgia on my Mind” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” It wasn’t Sam’s best performance, but more felt off than just his keyboard playing.

CAM itself felt sterile with bright lights making it feel like anybody but a music venue. It was something that other bands would also battle during the night, but it became particularly present during a strange mid-set biography of Sam.

A man hopped on stage half-way through the set and proceeded with a nearly 10 minute long history of Ironing Board Sam while same was still on stage. It killed most of the energy in the room and felt awkward. No other artist at Hopscotch needs to be explained to the audience and Sam shouldn’t have to be either.

Sam has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity locally, but this felt like putting an old musician on display, a feeling the museum setting only reinforced.

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