Monday, December 10, 2012

Bowerbirds raising money to fund new album, studio & more

Local indie folk band Bowerbirds is gearing up to work on a new album and has launched an elaborate Kickstarter campaign to raise money for it as well as other musical ventures.

The band is attempting to raise $28,000 to build an earth-friendly, hand-built recording studio at their home, record and release a brand new Bowerbirds album and an album from Phil's new side project, Island Dweller. The  band has already raised over half of their goal ($14,010 as of Sunday night).

Bowerbirds is offering tons of special items for folks who contribute to the cause including the usual things like an advance download of the new album and a collection of previously unreleased songs as well as quirkier items like magical amulets, dish cloths, paintings and more.

For a big spender looking to drop $10,000, you could get an executive producer credit on the forthcoming releases, be an online mascot (I'm not exactly sure what that means) and get every release and item that band has ever released and releases in the future as well as tickets to any of the band's shows that aren't festivals as well as some other things.

Check out the campaign HERE to see the plethora of donation levels available and all of the fun little goodies you can receive. Also, check out a video about the entire project below.

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